18 West 18th Street
New York, NY 10011

To My Fellow Dance-Demented Darlings,
I only (& rarely) produce seminars by other teachers if I respect what they are doing and believe in their expertise. Those who have taken these seminars have been lavish in their praise of my guest teachers.
Over the years we have had many fine teachers of Egyptian style come to NYC, but as yet nobody who really knows Lebanese Raqs Sharqi from the inside.
NOW we have such an expert & I have seen & very much enjoyed watching her clear, fact & fun-filled teaching style, so I invited her to teach for me at an easily-reached Manhattan Studio on Saturday & Sunday & in my Brooklyn location on Monday eve.
Lebanese Oriental Style a la Samara (3 hours)
Saturday, May 10 from 12 noon – 3:30 (two 15-minute breaks)
Born in Basra, and adopted by the Lebanese, Iraqi dancer Samara was one of Beirut’s hottest stars of her time. She was a glamorous icon of her day and even though she has stopped performing, she is still popular.
Graceful, feminine and innovative, Leila grew up admiring Samara’s performances. She will be sharing some of her signature technique and combinations that made Samara so popular.
Performance Sat. eve, May 10, 6:00pm – $10 in advance, $15 at the door.
Levantine Cane Dance Choreography (3 hours)
Sunday, May 11 from noon – 3:30 (two 15-minute breaks)
(this timing leaves the rest of Sunday for celebrating Mother’s Day!)
Incorporating elements of oriental, bedouin and folkloric styles, this fun choreography provides an equally lively alternative to Egyptian cane dance. Please bring a cane.
Saturday’s and Sunday’s Seminars & the performance showcase are at
(18 West 18th Street – 6th floor)
between 5th & 6th Avenues
The seminars are in studio 603, the performance is in “The Shop”, also on the 6th floor.
Trains: 14th Street/ Union Square stop on the Q, N, R, 4, 5, 6, L, 1 (18th Street stop), 2, 3, A, C, E, F, M (most have a 16th Street exit that gets you even closer to the studio!)
Buses: all 5th, 6th & 7th Ave buses, 14th & 23rd Street crosstown buses, any bus that stops in the vicinity – there are dozens!
& in Brooklyn:
Iraqi Romany Dance (Raqs Ghajari) (2 1/2 hours)
Monday, May 12, 7-9:30 pm at my private studio in Brooklyn.
(Q & B trains to Newkirk Plaza station, #49 & 8 buses – I’ll give specific directions to those attending)
***Monday’s class size is limited to 8 students, so sign up ASAP!!!
For the fourth time, Leila Molaei, a native and expert on Iraqi dances and a lover of Lebanese folklore, will be teaching another series of workshops in New York.
Leila will once more be teaching Raqs Kawlee on Monday – this class is ideal if you are either new to this style or want a refresher (new material). You will cover dagger work, hair tosses and head spinning, as well basic technique and combinations. Leila will support this with information on musical interpretation, improvisation and choreography.
This workshop is the perfect introduction to Iraqi gypsy style or to solidify your technique.
What to bring/wear/prepare:
– Comfortable clothing, minimal jewellery
– Dance shoes – bare feet for Monday’s Ghajari only.
– Hip scarves are optional
– Note pad/pen
For Monday’s Raqs Kawlee/ Ghajari:
– Hair down, and if possible, straightened
– Hair extensions are great if you want to feel/see the real effect of hair tossing
– Two butter/plastic knives (Monday’s Ghajari only)
– Refreshments
For sale at the workshops: costumes, thobes, CDs and accessories, payable by cash or PayPal (no checks).
Special Packages: early bird price good till March 31 only!
(that means the money is in my Paypal account or the check, made out to MOROCCO/ CASBAH, is in my hands by then!!!)
One workshop $75
Two workshops $130
Three workshops $190
ALL payments for the seminars go to morocco@casbahdance.org by PayPal. Send it as “friends and family” to avoid fees.
If you must send a check for the seminars, e-mail me for my snail address.
Performance slots will be given to those attending at least 2 seminars.
Leila will also be available a limited number of private lessons.
For the Performance & special private classes with Leila, arrangements & payments go through Mark Balahadia: Please contact markbalahadia@gmail.com for those details & also send it as “friends and family” to avoid fees.
About Leila Molaei
With her Arab/Iranian roots from the Persian Gulf (Al Ahwaz), Leila Molaei has been internationally performing and training students in Arabic dance since 2005. Based in the United Kingdom, she runs Layali Academy, one of the busiest Arabic dance schools in London covering the dances of Iraq, Iran, the Persian Gulf, Egypt and the Levant.
One of only a few natives of Iraqi, Arabian Gulf and Iranian dances outside the Middle East, and popular in the Arab community, Leila has taught and performed various high profile clients around the world, including the Bellydance Superstars at Raqs Britannia, Sheraton Hotels and the Destinations Show at Earls Court.
Her aim is to preserve and promote the authentic roots of Arabic dance, and this feeling is conveyed in her performances and teaching.
I hope to see many of you there!!!